Description: A person-centred approach is used within social prescribing to help individuals to identify and achieve their personal goals, as well as address underlying issues and problems. A person-centred approach is about ensuring that the individual is at the centre of decisions which relate to their life. It sees the people using a service as… Read more »
Wiki Category: List Of Core Terms
Gwasanaethau Statudol
Description: A statutory service is a form of government-mandated care or service to the public. Statutory services include health and social care, housing services, education services (including libraries), the police and fire and rescue services. Connected Terms: Building the practice, care navigator, community assets, Community & Voluntary Sector Organisations, health facilitator, practice- managed scheme, referral,… Read more »
Egwyddorion Canlyniad Presgripsiynu Cymdeithasol
Description: Social prescribing outcome principles describe the level and type of outcomes associated with social prescribing. Individual: The individual is empowered to improve their own health and wellbeing through better connections to their community and/or family. Improved quality of life and wellbeing outcomes to individuals with happier, more connected and resilient communities, and a diversity… Read more »
Atgyfeirio at Gymorth Lles
Description: Welfare support referral is an umbrella term that is used to describes the referral of individuals to organisations that offer social welfare, legal and financial support. Welfare support referral can help individuals to address issues which can directly impact upon their health, wellbeing and quality of life. Examples of welfare support referral services and… Read more »
Hybiau Cymorth Cymunedol
Description: Community support hubs are places within local communities that aim to provide a ‘one- stop-shop’ for residents needing information, advice and practical support available to all residents. Services include but are not limited to legal advice, tenancy support, domestic and substance abuse, financial support, employment support, and social prescribing. Alternative Terms: integrated health and… Read more »
Caffis Cymdeithasol
Description: A social café is an intervention set in local communities that aims to facilitate making new social connections to reduce isolation. Connected Terms: Books on referral, community assets, Community & Voluntary Sector Organisations, community support hubs, education on referral, referral, signposting & active signposting, social prescribing pathway, welfare support referral, wellbeing.
Atgyfeirio at Lyfrau
Description: Books on referral is a term used to describe the referral of individuals to specific self-help books to enable them to better manage and understand psychological issues. The self help books consists of a core collection of 30 books that employ cognitive behavioural therapy principles for common mental health conditions and were written and… Read more »
Atgyfeirio at Addysg
Description: Education on referral is a term used to describe the process of referral to formal learning opportunities, including literacy and basic skills. It can involve the use of learning advisers placed in educational establishments, day services, mental health teams or Community and Voluntary Sector Organisations. The learning advisors can help to identify appropriate educational activities… Read more »
Atgyfeirio Creadigol
Description: Creative Referral is an umbrella term that is used to describe the referral of individuals to community assets to participate in a broad range of creative activities. Examples of creative referral activities include singing / music making, painting, dance, drama, crafts, photography and film, theatre, and creative writing). Some examples of commonly used terms… Read more »
System Gyfeillio
Description: A buddy system can refer to either Face‐to‐face support by the social prescribing practitioner between referral and the first session of a group, intervention or service, which is thought to increase the likelihood of attendance. A community member-to-community member linkage for support with engagement in a socially prescribed group, intervention or service. The community… Read more »