Creative Referral

Description: Creative Referral is an umbrella term that is used to describe the referral of individuals to community assets to participate in a broad range of creative activities. Examples of creative referral activities include singing / music making, painting, dance, drama, crafts, photography and film, theatre, and creative writing). Some examples of commonly used terms that fall under the umbrella of creative referral are given below.

Arts on referralCVSO (also commonly referred to as arts-based interventionsSC, arts for health interventionsSC, art on prescriptionHC) describes the referral of individuals to participate in a variety of art(s)-based activities. Museums on referral describes the referral of individuals for creative engagement with museums, which often incorporates an element of art(s)-based activity. Dance on referral describes the referral of individuals to participate in a variety of dance and movement-based activities. Dance on referral activities are often suggested for adults with chronic conditions, limited mobility, neurological problems, or for older adults at risk of falling.

The literature, which is heavily based within health care, often prefers to assign the term ‘…on prescription’ to the various creative assets that fall under the umbrella of creative referral. However, consultation indicated that the term ‘on prescription’ does not easily sit within the cross-sectional model of social prescribing within Wales. Therefore, in the production of the glossary it was felt that moving forward the suggested terms of use should utilise ‘(on) referral’ to reflect both consultation feedback and the nature of the Welsh offer of social prescribing.

Alternative Terms: art on prescriptionHC, arts as healthcare, arts-based approaches, arts-based interventionsSC, arts for health interventionsSC, arts on referral, creative arts in social prescribing, dance on prescriptionHC, healing arts, museum-based social prescribing scheme, museums on prescriptionHC, social prescription arts programmes

Connected Terms: Active signposting, blue referral, books on referral, community assets, Community & Voluntary Sector Organisations, education on referral, exercise referral, green referral, nature-based interventions, referral, social prescribing pathway, social prescribing practitioner, welfare support referral, wellbeing.

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