Pathway Flowchart Posted 25 May 2023 by kali Once you have registered as a user of the website you will be able to access the glossary and even use the pathway diagram to navigate to the descriptions of your terms of interest. Existing Users Log InUsername or EmailPassword Remember Me New User RegistrationUsername*Email*Password*Confirm Password*Country*Will you be using the glossary of terms in a professional or personal capacity?*---- Select One ----ProfessionalPersonalBoth(If professional / both) Please indicate your profession---- Select One ----Academic/researcherSocial prescribing practitioner/professionalHealthcare professionalSocial care professionalCommunity & voluntary sector organisations professionalManager/commissioner/policy makerOther (please stipulate)(If other)Post code/zip code of the main location you will use the glossary*How would you rate your current level of social prescribing knowledge?*---- Select One ----Non-existentPoorOkGoodExcellentHow comfortable/confident are you with the language used in social prescribing?*---- Select One ----Not at allA littleFairlyVeryExtremelyWhy are you using the glossary of terms?* To increase my understanding of social prescribing in general To increase my understanding of social prescribing terminology To aid communication with members of the public To help communication with other professionals For accuracy and constancy at work To help produce documentation Other (please stipulate)(If other)How often do you think you might use the glossary?*---- Select One ----DailyWeeklyMonthlyA few times a year at mostNever againWill you mainly use the Welsh or English version or both equally?*---- Select One ----WelshEnglishBothDo you have any accessibility considerations (for use of the website)?*---- Select One ----NoneMobility issueVisual impairmentLearning disabilitiesLanguage barriersOther (please stipulate)(If other)Input the code:*Required field