Description: An exercise leader is a leisure services employee who is often based at local authority fitness centres and possesses the appropriate expertise and qualifications to lead fitness sessions with the support of peer volunteers. They work with individuals who receive socially prescribed referrals for exercise from GP surgeries. Alternative Terms: Exercise referral practitioners. Associated… Read more »
Wiki Category: List Of Core Terms
Exercise Referral
Description: Exercise referral, or exercise on referral, are terms used to describe the process of referral to access tailored and supervised physical activity. Exercise referral schemes are a multiagency intervention involving local primary care trusts, local councils and often voluntary and private leisure service providers. Sedentary patients with existing health problems or risk factors for future… Read more »
Green Referral
Description: Green referral is an umbrella term used to describe the referral of individuals to groups, interventions or services that support engagement with nature-based interventions based in natural or semi-natural ‘green’ environments, to improve their health and wellbeing. The term green gym is used to describe environments such as such as forests, grasslands, gardens and… Read more »
Nature-Based Interventions
Description: Nature-based interventionsHC is an umbrella term used to describe groups, interventions or services that support individuals to improve their health and wellbeing through contact with nature and spending time in natural or semi-natural environments. Green referral, blue referral, care farming, therapeutic horticulture and ecotherapy all fall under the umbrella of nature-based interventions. Alternative Terms:… Read more »
Community Assets
Description: Community assets provides a collective term for anything that can be used to improve the quality of community life. This can include community groups, interventions and services which could be delivered online or in-person, as well as buildings, land or even a person within a community. For example, the practice of yoga is an… Read more »
Description: “Wellbeing is a positive state experienced by individuals and societies. Similar to health, it is a resource for daily life and is determined by social, economic and environmental conditions”. Within Wales, a person with wellbeing is defined as “happy, healthy and who is comfortable with their life and what they do”. It is a… Read more »
Care Navigator
Description: A care navigator is usually a receptionist or admin staff member who has undergone specialist training. The care navigator role is predominantly associated with active signposting to an alternative health provision, such as a nurse or a physiotherapist, who may be better suited than a GP to deal with an individual’s particular concerns. However, care… Read more »
Health Facilitator
Description: A health facilitator is a dedicated health professional who performs a similar role to a social prescribing practitioner. The health facilitator is usually based in the GP practice and sees referred patients to help identify their needs and navigate the services available to them. For example, they may signpost to community assets or promote… Read more »
Description: The term holistic relates to the whole of something or to the total system instead of just its parts. Social prescribing reinforces an approach to health that accounts for mental and social factors, rather than just the symptoms of an illness. There are different social prescribing models but within Wales the most common one… Read more »
Description: Co-production refers to a mutual relationship between service providers, service users and their families and communities. The term encompasses a wide range of service activities including co-design, co-delivery as well as the co-assessment of services. In the context of the social prescribing pathway, an individual referred to a social prescribing practitioner co-produces an action… Read more »