Wiki Category: List Of Core Terms

What Matters Conversation

Description: A what matters conversation is a central part of the social prescribing process. A what matters conversation takes place between a social prescribing practitioner and the social prescribing beneficiary/individual to identify what is important to the individual and in what areas they require support. The conversation informs the co-production of an action plan. Alternative… Read more »

Practice-Managed Scheme

Description: A practice-managed scheme is a social prescribing scheme that is attached to or run from a GP practice. The simplest schemes take the form of opportunistic advice from healthcare professionals, usually a GP or practice nurse. A more common and sophisticated model involves the healthcare professional referring patients to a practice-based clinic, where a… Read more »

Building the Practice

Description: Building the practice describes the development of a GP practice to accommodate and utilise social prescribing as an intervention/treatment option to support individuals. This is comprised of three elements: taking a whole practice approach; building the practice atmosphere; and building the practice infrastructure, which encompasses digital and physical elements. Connected Terms: Care navigator, digital… Read more »

Community & Voluntary Sector Organisations

Description: The term Community and Voluntary Sector Organisations (CVSOs) is often used synonymously with the term third sector organisations. It describes a range of voluntary and community organisations (both registered charities and other organisations such as associations, self-help groups and community groups), social enterprises, mutuals and co-operatives, that are neither public sector nor private sector… Read more »


Description: Referral describes the act of sending someone to another person or place for treatment, help, advice, etc. Within the context of social prescribing, a referral can be to a social prescribing practitioner, and from a social prescribing practitioner or someone who undertakes social prescribing as part of their role to appropriate community assets. A… Read more »

Digital Social Prescribing

Description: Digital social prescribing encompasses any digital solution, technology, information or electronic system that enables social prescribing, whether in person or remotely. For example, digital social prescribing software platforms provide the intelligence to manage a social prescribing network of all of the services, users, and professionals who need to be involved. Connected Terms: Action planning,… Read more »

Social Prescribing Champion

Description: A social prescribing champion drives regional social prescribing strategy and coordinates communication throughout the social prescribing pathway. If based in a general practice they foster support, encourage regular referrals to the social prescribing service(s) and raise the profile and perceived value of social prescribing among general practice staff. Alternative Terms: social prescribing clinical champion… Read more »

Social Prescribing Models

Description: Social prescribing models describe the different forms of social prescribing support and interaction offered to an individual. These are often described as: Signposting: The individual is simply pointed in the direction of appropriate and/or potentially useful or helpful community assets. Light: The social prescribing practitioner engages in active signposting and refers people to a… Read more »

Social Prescribing Pathway

Description: The social prescribing pathway describes the referral pathway and linkage route taken to connect an individual to a social prescribing practitioner and from there to the appropriate community assets, such as groups, interventions or services. This process can be iterative and include re-engagement with the social prescribing practitioner depending on the social prescribing model… Read more »

Social Prescribing Approaches

Description: Social prescribing approaches describe the different interactions of social prescribing with the environment and the timeframe to impact. Tactical: Accounts for the environment. Timeframe to impact: Short term Operational: Adapts the environment. Timeframe to impact: Short – medium term Strategic: Changes the environment. Timeframe to impact: Medium – long term Connected Terms: Building the practice,… Read more »