Social Prescribing Practitioner

A social prescribing practitioner is a person who helps people with social prescribing as part of their job. The social prescribing practitioner will talk to you about the things you need support with. They do not deal with medical issues.

The social prescribing practitioner is there to work with you, not tell you what you must do. They connect you with groups and services that might help improve your health and wellbeing. They might go along with you when you start a new activity.

Also sometimes called: community connector, link worker, community coordinator, wellbeing advisor

Connected terms: Action Planning, Co-Production, Community Assets, Holistic, Person-Centred Approach, Referral, Signposting & Active Signposting, Social Cafes, Social Prescribing, Social Prescribing Pathway, Wellbeing, What Matters Conversation

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